Sunday 30 June 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013


We have decided that since the half term is coming up we will make best use of it and film during then. Unfortunately Phoebe is in the school play which means that she has rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; she is also away at her grandparents house on the first weekend and it is her birthday on the Saturday of the last weekend. According to this we only have the Friday and Sunday to film and we all voted for the Friday - Sunday is my lazy day!

Friday 28 June 2013

Filming - 22.02.13

On Saturday 22nd February, Carolina, Phoebe and I went round to Phoebe's house so that we could finally film our opening sequence shots. We were ready with our Lights, Camera, Tripod and enthusiasm ... well as much enthusiasm as you can have at 10 in the morning!

We bought all the props we needed and the first thing we did was make phoebes room look just how we wanted and place all the props around the room which we needed, e.g. all the things we would pan over, like the Vogue magazines and the 50 Shades books. We really underestimated how much time it would take us and all the little details we needed to make sure were perfect. My mum was extremely helpful since I had to keep ringing her to find stuff that I had at home which we didn't think we would need and our friend Melisa also decided she would help us out by being our assistant for a day which was also really helpful! Altogether it took us 2 hours just to set up the scene for the shots.

Carolina and Phoebe clearing away
Half way through the clearing process
Phoebe and I trying to get the curtains level
Dressing table and chest done!
Phoebe setting up
Making the bed
Other dressing table done
Once we got filming we realised that it was actually incredibly helpful that we had written a good script and drawn a good storyboard because it saved us a lot of time and hassle since we didn't need to figure out what our shots were going to be.

Another thing that was quite difficult was trying to fit the MASSIVE lights and the MASSIVE tripod into TINY spaces, especially in the bathroom! But somehow we managed to get around it by holding the camera by hand and just trying to be really steady and keeping the lights in doorways and such to try and brighten up the rooms.

On the Saturday, Carolina had to leave by 1 o'clock since she had a doctors appointment which meant that we could only keep Ollie, the cutest dog in the world, around for so long. Because of this we decided to film the shots that included the dog first ... little did we realise how hard it actually is working with animals! We managed to film the dog scenes after a lot of trouble trying to get Ollie to cooperate and making sure Phoebe didn't die in her killer heels.

Once Carolina left, Melisa, Phoebe and I tried to get the rest of our filming done. We followed the storyboard "to a T" and filmed all of the scenes; it took us until 6pm but we are happy that it is all done because the best bit is the editing!

Thursday 27 June 2013


The worst has happened!! I'm not even exaggerating!!

In our lesson today we decided to look at the footage we had filmed and it turns out that our memory card is corrupted!!!! That means that all of our footage has been lost.

We tried so many different ways of opening the footage and trying to import it but it just wouldn't work. Most of it just came up as a green screen and the rest didn't work at all. Even Sir tried helping us since he could see we were panicking but we had no luck! :'(

Thankfully Sir said that he would give us a weeks extension on the filming deadline since we wouldn't have any other time to film other than the weekend.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Filming (AGAIN) - 02.02.13

Consdering that the last time we filmed we had issues with the lighting not being bright enough, especially later in the day, we decided it would be wiser to split our filming over both the Saturday and the Sunday. Carolina couldn't make it on the Saturday so Pheebs and I had to tackle it ourselves.

We were lucky because our camera was AMAZING this time and our footage looked really good!

Since we already knew excatly how we needed to set up it didnt take us very long at all which we were really pleased about. We got striaight into filming and were feeling positive since we were getting a second chance to make our film better than it had been the first time we filmed it.

That was until we were faced with another problem! The shower wasn't working! A crucial part of our film had decided to play up right when we needed to use it, espically since the thing was working just a few minutes ago. After trying to figure out what was wrong and failing we decided that we will just leave it to hopefully recover and then give it another try later.

Instead we filmed the scenes from after Naomi leaves the bathroom. These went really successfully and we even managed to do the idea of having the camera inside the wardrobe and seeing Naomi open the doors from the inside (a personal dream of mine). When Phoebe's mum came home and tried the shower it meracously worked and we were able to film the shower shots as well!

By 2pm we had finished filming all of the scenes that we could and were say down enjoying a nice pizza and coke!

I think this day of filming went much smoother and quicker than the last time; firstly because it was just Phoebe and I so we got less distracted and we were more determined to finish, secondly because we already knew exactly how we needed to film everything since we had done it once before and knew what worked and what didn't. Hopefully day two will go as well as day one.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Filming (AGAIN) - 03.03.13

So we started filming early again today so that we could finish quickly as we'll and we had left almost everything in the same place as it was before so we didn't have to spend time setting up.

When Carolina came with Ollie we started filming straight away with the shots with the dog. Once we had done those we refilmed some if the panning shots that we had done yesterday because we added more into them, e.g. more pictures of Naomi with boys.

The filming went quite successfully and we finished under 3 hours, (our best time yet!), and went home hoping that our memory card would be fine this time!!

Monday 24 June 2013

Editing - 04.03.13

Great news, our memory card is fine! Since we are now a week behind everyone else, we started editing straight away. It was quite nice seeing everything we had filmed but we realised that some of the shots didn't actually look as good as we thought it had on the small screen; also we had around an hours worth of footage which we would have to narrow down to 2 minutes!!

We decided to watch all the footage and get rid of everything we didn't need so that we could start editing the clips we actually were going to use. We edited the clips in the order which they would appear and managed to get around one and a half minutes worth of footage and this took us around the whole lesson to do.

Editing our clips